Here is round DOS with all the rest of the action from the night. Again so much to cram into one post but I will do my best. All the vendors that attended are too hot to try to describe with words so we will let their work speak for themselves. Also just a special thanks to the girls over at 100 Layer Blog for featuring a lot of our work on your awesome site this week!‘s take a nap Cadillac.


Juliette’s Bakery
Grilled Cheese sandwich bar. such an amazing idea!


Loved the music by the twin brothers of The Mattson 2.
Are you ready for this.. synchronized swimming by the
Aqualillies. Some of my favorite shots of the whole night!

There was an awesome dance off competition for a free honeymoon! A FREE ONE put on by
Ever After Honeymoons

And the winning couple of the FREE Honeymoon…Max and

This was such an amazing event and we felt so blessed to be apart of it! Girls of
Bash Please and
Urbanic thank you so much for including us in this awesome day!
These are fantastic! Best photos of the Mattson 2 out there! Thanks for the shots our ties! Exclamation point!
That sychronized swimmer shot… I’m speechless! So very well done guys! 🙂
Awesome picks… fun times
OMG love the syncronised swimming!
All the photos are awesome. I love that every single photo is so crisp and clear. All together they give a great story of what happened that day.
The Aqualillies shots are my favorite as well. 🙂 Excellent job capturing the night. Maybe I’ll see you guys at WPPI!!
Today I stumbledupon your photography site. I am recently just getting into photography, and I loved your unique persective and creativity. Your pictures are lovely! I also read your “about us” section, and I loved the fact that you love Jesus and are great at what you do. It made me smile.
Moments captured on cam…excellent!!!