Here is amazing wedding shot at the incredible Strawberry Farms Golf Course in Irvine, CA. Christi and Andrew are two of our very dear friends so needless to say when they asked us to shoot their wedding we were beyond ecstatic! Christi however asked Kristin to be a bridesmaid so finding a suitable replacement for her for the day was going to be difficult but I knew just who to ask! Bill from Bill Blakey Photography was my go to guy and did a fantastic job helping me capture this beautiful day! The light, the couple, the BARN, all were amazing so we knew it was going to be an awesome day!
“The light, the couple, the BARN” – and your photography, and your processing, and the wicked details, and the… Just outstanding man this wedding is next-level.
Nicely done Brandon- love the shot of the grandma! And the shot of the moon was sick- Peter Lik better watch out! “Looove the sound of that shuttah…” 🙂
incredible work. love all the images…very inspiring.
Everything you do is magic – I ADORE the shot of Grandma! And Bill’s shot of the bride’s shoes is gorgeous!
wow!! Simply amazing you guys! Strawberry farms is such a neat venue 🙂
beautiful raw emotions capture on cam…great post!!! i’m a big fan!!!
What a sweet surprise this morning to wake up to our blog post! Love everything about your photography! Amazing job BKidd….we LOVE re-living each moment!
gosh what a beautiful wedding! and so gorgeously captured. you guys have such a unique look, love it!
Wonderfull congratulations